The pink fairy armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus) is the smallest species of armadillo known, which is also known as the Pichiciego.
- This species normally ranges from 90mm to 115 mm in length, not including its tail, and its weight is less than a pound. At the same time this is the only kind of armadillo that is having a dorsal shell almost completely separated from its body.
- This unique animal usually resides in dry grasslands and sandy plains. This sandy environment makes it comfortable since they are known as excellent diggers. They have the ability to completely conceal them in a matter of seconds if they are threatened.
- The pink fairy armadillo uses their digging abilities to burrow in areas beside large ant colonies. Ants provide a constant food source for this species of armadillo. As well, they may also forage on worms, snails and plant matter but ants are their number one choice.
- It tends to live a lonely life in which it use to stay protected underground only to come out and feed during the night time.
- They are solitary; and believed that when it comes for mating, it is polygamous. The female will give birth for only one young, whose shell will not become wholly toughened until it gets matured.
- Similar to a Mole it mostly spends time under the ground. Large front claws help them to naturally move the sand. In fact they move underground as if they were swimming through the water. The aerodynamics of the armadillo as well as the safeguarded head makes them move smoothly.