Monday, July 19, 2010


What is ‘Walking fish”??

Amphibious fish will be most commonly named as it is. These kind of fish can Able to spend longer times out of water, number of means of locomotion might takes place , including springing, snake-like lateral undulation, and tripod-like walking. The Climbing gourami is often specifically referred to as a "walking fish", it does not actually "walk", but rather moves in a bouncing way by giving a support themselves on the extended edges of its gill plates and pushing itself by its fins and tail.

Axolotl – Mexican walking Fish:

An axolotl, scientifically known as Ambystoma mexicanum is native to Mexico and is often referred to as Mexican walking fish.

The Mexican walking fish, or axolotl, is one of the weirdest creatures. And there's a lot more than just its appearance that's strange, not the least of which is its ability to re-grow limbs.
Length 15- 45 centimeters,
Average size close to 23 centimeters

It is not really considered as a fish, it's a salamander. They're also closely related to frogs and other amphibians. They share many of the same characteristics, including a three-chambered heart.

It’s difficult to identify the age of a walking fish. It begins like a tadpole; even as adults, they never truly grow out of the larvae stage and never adapt to life on land like other amphibians.

Group of Mexican walking fish can be like looking at a rainbow. Number of different colors available, such as from pale pink, gold, almost any shade of gray, or brown, black, albino or cream. They can also be multicolored, called piebald or harlequin.

The waterways around the Mexican city. They are also native to the freshwater lakes around the city, and the destruction and human invasion of the lakes have put the fish on the endangered species list.

carnivorous species - feeds on small creatures like insects, worms and even small fish. It smells the food first and then snaps at it and sucks it inside the stomach.


Breeding is a kind of 'Neotony', which means that it attains sexual maturity without going through the process of metamorphosis. This is due to lack of thyroid secretion. Mexican walking fish becomes sexually mature at the age of about 12 months.

· The males can be identified by their longer tails and swollen cloacae lined with papillae.
· Females have a wider body and lay between 300 to 1000 eggs.
· Larvae hatch within two to three weeks, and can be fed with daphnia, or worms.
Interesting Fact of Mexican Fish:

It’s healing ability. Ability to regenerate the lost body parts is one of the coolest Mexican walking fish facts. They can even restore some parts of their brain.

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