Friday, August 13, 2010

Alpaca (Vicugna pacos)

Alpaca is a domesticated species of South American camelid.


Social group animals that live in family groups which consists of a territorial male, females and their young. Alpacas use to warn their about intruders by making noise which is very unique. These may attack the smaller predators with their front feet, and can spit and kick.


"Spit" is somewhat euphemistic; it mostly contains of little saliva and air, although alpacas commonly bring up acidic stomach contents (generally a green grassy mix) and spit it onto their target.

Here, spitting results in what is called "sour mouth". Sour mouth is identified by a loose-hanging lower lip. This is because of the stomach acid and unpleasant taste of the contents as they pass out of the mouth.


Alpacas normally control their internal parasites; they have a communal dung pile, where they do not graze. It differs from male to female. Males have much tidier, and fewer dung piles than females. One female approaches the dung pile and begins to urinate and/or defecate, and the rest of the herd often follows.


Alpacas use to make a different noise. When danger occurs, they make a high-pitched sound. Particular breeds of alpacas use to make a "wark" noise when thrilled.

It differs from individual to individual, but most of them generally make a humming sound. Hums are often soothing noises, which intimate others to know their presence. Humming of this animal consists of different intimations.

When males fight they scream a warbling bird-like cry, presumably intended to terrify the opponent.

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