Monday, August 2, 2010

Centrolenidae - Glass Frog.

Centrolenidae (order Anura) is the original name for the Glass frogs. The general background bloom of most glass frogs is primarily lime green; the abdominal skin of most of the glass frogs is transparent. The internal viscera, including the heart, liver, and gastrointestinal tract are visible through this translucent skin of the frog.

Physical characteristics:

Length: Glass frogs are generally small, ranging from 3 to 7.5 centimeters (1.2 to 3.0 in) in length.

Color: Green in color, save for the skin along the lower surface of the body, which is translucent

The family of glass frogs are identified by having the two elongate ankle bones (astragulus and calcaneum) fused, a medial process on the third metacarpal bone in the hand, T-shaped terminal phalanges, an intercalary element between the penultimate and terminal phalanges, and deposition of eggs on leaves or rocks above streams.

Glass frogs have slight, delicate body with elongated, lean limbs and webbed feet. In dorsal view, the skull is round, with large, protruding eyes set more dorsally than in most frogs.

The bones of centrolenid frogs are either white or green. Unique pigment cells in the skin reflect infrared radiation.This pigmentation is thought to camouflage glass frogs when they sit on leaves, thus protecting them from pit vipers and birds.


Glass frogs occur from southern Mexico to Bolivia, east to northeastern Argentina and southeastern Brazil.


Glass frogs are nocturnally active. Males of some species are engage in combat for calling or egg-laying sites by wrestling for prime breeding spots. Several species exhibit parental care in the form of egg attendance by one or the other parent, who sits near or directly on the clutch of eggs.


Little is known of the diet of glass frogs. They eat primarily insects, although the large ones have been known to consume small vertebrates.

Reproductive system:

In habitats without seasonal variations, glass frog breeding is continuous throughout the year, whereas in seasonal climates breeding is tied closely to the rainy season. Breeding occurs under the darkness of night either during rains or, in cloud forest species, during evening mists from clouds. Parental care of larvae will found in this species.

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